Mrs Nina Svetlanova offered a CD-collection “The Anthology of the Russian Symphonic Music” by Evgeny Svetlanov to the Novossibisk Glinka Conservatory.
You find below a thank-you letter from the conservatory to Mrs Svetlanova.
We are happy that the musical heritage of Maestro, who became a reference in Classical Music, will contribute to the education of young musiciens.
“Dear Mrs. Nina Alexandrovna,
The Glinka Novossibirsk State Conservatory is very grateful for your precious gift of the full CD collection with Maestro Svetlanov’s recordings “The Anthology of the Russian Symphonic Music”. We consider that it is extremely important to preserve the memory of the extraordinary Russian conductor and to pass his rich heritage on to musicians of the young generation.
Best wishes of health and prosperity,
Konstantin Mikhailovich Kurlenya
Vice-Chancellor of the Novosibirsk Conservatory
Doctor of Art History and Professor”